Chamomile (Roman) Essential Oil – 10% Diluted in Jojoba (10 ml)


Anthemis nobilis - England

Roman Chamomile derives from the same botanical family, Asteraceae, as Blue (German) Chamomile. However, there are significant differences between the two. Roman Chamomile essential oil has a very distinct floral, herbaceous, sweet, and slightly fruity aroma. After harvesting, Roman chamomile flowers are briefly sun-dried before steam distillation of the essential oil. The result is a pale light blue liquid that has an amazing warm, sweet, apple-like smell. Roman chamomile then turns pale yellow during storage, whereas the German version remains blue. This exceptional oil comes from England.

Quick fact: The ancient Egyptians held that Roman Chamomile was sacred to the sun god Ra, and used the essential oil to anoint the body for rituals in their god’s honor.

German chamomile oil is mostly cultivated in Hungary, Egypt, Eastern Europe and France, while Roman chamomile is cultivated in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco and France.

Roman chamomile oil exerts the following therapeutic actions: analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-neuralgic, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, nervine, tonic, sudorific, stomachic, vermifuge and vulnerary. In addition to the conditions listed above Roman Chamomile has been known to treat headaches including migraine, muscle pain related to nervous conditions, allergies, nervous asthma and reflux cough, mouth ulcers, anemia, low white blood-cell count, gastritis, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach spasms, weak stomach, constipation, colitis, nausea and vomiting, intestinal parasites, cystitis, liver problems, toothaches, pain from insect stings, muscle pain, bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, sprains. In skin care R. Chamomile treats dry, sensitive skin; itching, eczema, psoriasis, urticarial, broken skin capillaries, puffiness of the skin, congested pores and sunburn.

Roman chamomile is considered in aromatherapy to be potentially valuable for treatment of the following conditions: shock, anxiety, self-blame, worry, tension, anger, fear, impatience, depression; including postpartum depression, insomnia, amnesia, loneliness, lingering grief, emotional withdrawal, and addiction. It is an excellent remedy for nervous exhaustion and irritability or forms of hysteria that can stem from this exhaustion. It can be a helpful remedy for PMS and menopausal irritability.

Roman Chamomile has a powerful impact on the Solar Plexus Chakra; the vital center of both our personal-psychological and ancestrally influenced needs and desires in the material world. It regulates the dynamic interface of our inclination to nurture and our ego-driven ‘need’ to control. This center also regulates and focuses our cultivation of self esteem through action based on integrity (or lack thereof). When there is conflict between the desires and drives of the ego and the desires of the Heart and Soul for more fulfilling forms of nourishment, Roman Chamomile can be a great ally.

Roman Chamomile has emmenagogue properties when used in high concentrations, therefore use in large amounts directly on the body or direct inhalation via a nebulizer should be avoided in pregnancy. Use on specific acupoints, particularly in dilution, is quite safe.

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