Clear Airway Essential Oil Blend - 25% diluted in Jojoba - 10 ml

Primary oils:
Blue Tansy
Silver Fir
Green Myrtle
10 ml

Tiffany Carole, LAc,  M.S. , L.M.P. developed this formula for one of her young clients to help with her asthma. With daily use came excellent results! Now Monara is happy to share this special formula with others who could use lung and bronchial support.

This incredible fragranced blend was created by Tiffany Carole ( MS LAc to support the lungs and bronchi. In her clinical experience at Synergy Wellness Center ( in Kirkland Washington, it effectively treats asthma, allergies impacting the sinuses and the bronchi, and any condition leading to inflammation in the lungs and sinuses.
It is a mixture of Blue Tansy, Silver Fir, Green Myrtle and a bit of Coriander Seed to help 'guide' the blend gently into the body's meridians.

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