Laurel, Bay, 10 ml or 15 ml diluted to 25% in Jojoba

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Laurus nobilis - Crete

Laurel Leaf essential oil is derived from the Bay Laurel tree, which is also botanically known as Laurus nobilis. This oil is commonly confused with Bay oil, which comes from Pimenta racemosa instead. Although these two oils share similar qualities and have similar properties, they come from two very different plants.

Laurel Leaf oil’s camphorous and spicy notes marry nicely with its softer sweet, fruity/floral notes. It has a somewhat medicinal aroma, but it's dry top notes are much finer than Eucalyptus or Cajupet. Our hearty Laurel has a very clean aroma and is steam distilled.

Quick fact: Both the ancient Greeks and the Romans regarded the bay laurel leaves to be highly sacred and valuable, symbolizing victory and high status. The Greeks also considered it to be a potent medicine that was capable of protecting them against plague and various diseases.


Production areas: Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Turkey, South France, Morocco
Extraction: Steam distillation of the half-dry twigs and leaves, late August through October

In aromatherapy, essential oil of laurel is considered potentially useful in certain instances to treat: nervous debility; poor concentration; memory weakness; weakening of the mental faculties; morbid states; frank psychoses; insomnia; bacterial, viral and/or fungal infection; tropical infections; pain; sclerosis [including arteriosclerosis]; sepsis [including intestinal sepsis]; necrosis; degenerative disease; cancer; edema; neuritis; dizziness; sinus infection; ear pain; swollen glands; vascular spasms; angina pectoris; colds; flu; tonsillitis; pneumonia; asthma; emphysema; chronic bronchitis; lung abscesses; dyspepsia; anorexia; flatulence; gastrointestinal spasm; amenorrhea or scanty periods; protracted labor; genito-urinary infections in women; osteoarthritis; sprains; bruises; skin abscesses and ulcers [including bedsores]; boils; acne; scabies; gangrene; lice; dandruff; hair loss.

On an emotional level, laurel oil is described as being specific for: fear; depression; obsessional states; anticipatory anxiety; lack of self-confidence; lack of self-esteem; self-imposed limitation due to self-doubt regarding intellectual abilities and capacity for achievement; repression. Laurel is thought to enhance courage, confidence, bold and inspired creativity and self-pride. As an antidepressant, it is best suited for those cases of depression that involve repression of desire and initiative because of fear of failure. It is also calming for stage fright and for anxiety before exams or job interviews due to fear of failure or lack of self-confidence.

Avoid using it on children 2 years and under. Avoid using hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin. Internal administration and any intensive use of Laurel, e.g. in a nebulizer, is contraindicated during pregnancy, as Laurel is a uterine stimulant.

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