Silver Fir 10 ml or 15 ml diluted to 50% in Jojoba

Pick Dilution:

Abies alba - Canada

Traditionally fir needle oil has been used as a great respiratory support oil, helping to aid in coughs. Although fir trees have become synonymous with Christmas, Fir needle oil is a wonderful addition throughout the year -bringing a woody, bright, fresh aroma to enliven things!


Production areas: Silver Fir grows extensively in the mountains of southern and central Europe
Extraction: Silver fir essential oil is extracted via steam distillation of the needles and twigs

In Europe, silver fir has been prized for centuries for its medicinal value. Various parts of the tree exert the following therapeutic actions: analgesic; antibiotic (especially the buds); antiseptic; astringent; deodorant; diuretic; expectorant; immuno-stimulant; laxative; resolvent; stimulant; vulnerary. It has historically been used to treat the following symptoms and conditions: calculi (abnormal concretion in the body, generally formed of mineral salts such as calcium compounds and found in the gallbladder, kidneys, or urinary bladder); catarrh; immunological weakness; fever; infections; neuralgia; respiratory disorders in general; colds; bronchitis; cough; ulcerations; gonorrhea; urinary gravel; leucorrhea; muscle pain; rheumatism; sores; wounds; bruises. The indications for silver fir essential oil are much the same as they are in herbal medicine. Accordingly, on a physical level, the oil is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, coughs, colds, sinusitis, flu fever, urinary tract infections, arthritis, muscular neuralgia and rheumatism. In cases of cold, Silver Fir can warm and circulate. Silver fir oil is specific for the entire respiratory tract, including the sinuses, mucosal surfaces, bronchi, bronchial tubes, bronchioles and alveoli. It supports both oxygen intake and carbon dioxide excretion. In combination with oxygen, it exerts a powerful antiseptic effect upon pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract. Silver fir oil has long been used for the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, coughs, colds, flu, sinusitis and acute or chronic bronchitis.

Silver Fir is a general tonic for the nervous system and ideal for mental exhaustion and nervous stress leading to general weakness. It is both sedative yet elevating so it makes a lovely fit for those who have active minds with underlying fatigue; it can literally both calm and rejuvenate. Silver Fir has been known to support and treat immune weakness, general debility, nervous tension, the state of being anxious and nervous but reserved in expression and attitude, loss of motivation due to diminished energy, irritability made worse by coffee, anxiety about health, restlessness, anticipatory anxiety and hypersensitivity. Mental fatigue can contribute to experiences of overwhelm and feeling as if one is trapped; unable to make decisions and move forward with confidence. Silver Fir not only acts as a restorative in the case of mental and emotional weakness, but it opens us to spaciousness so that we can come to our decisions with less pressure and a greater sense of personal value or worth in the process. Silver Fir supports us in that which is most precious; the breath, warmth and the conversion of light energy from the “outside” to the “inside” via pineal gland activation. In this way it brings us into direct interface with that which is of utmost value for our vital human experience. It can support the bridging of our structural/physical experience with our cosmic/light-being experience.

Therapeutic status: Mild remedy with no cumulative toxicity. Tisserand and Young precaution to avoid use of the oil if it has oxidized. Skin sensitization is more likely when using oxidized Fir Needle Oil. [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety(Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 285.

Topical Safety Status: Non skin-irritant, non-sensitizing(unless oxidized)

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