In Europe, silver fir has been prized for centuries for its medicinal value. Various parts of the tree exert the following therapeutic actions: analgesic; antibiotic (especially the buds); antiseptic; astringent; deodorant; diuretic; expectorant; immuno-stimulant; laxative; resolvent; stimulant; vulnerary. It has historically been used to treat the following symptoms and conditions: calculi (abnormal concretion in the body, generally formed of mineral salts such as calcium compounds and found in the gallbladder, kidneys, or urinary bladder); catarrh; immunological weakness; fever; infections; neuralgia; respiratory disorders in general; colds; bronchitis; cough; ulcerations; gonorrhea; urinary gravel; leucorrhea; muscle pain; rheumatism; sores; wounds; bruises. The indications for silver fir essential oil are much the same as they are in herbal medicine. Accordingly, on a physical level, the oil is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, coughs, colds, sinusitis, flu fever, urinary tract infections, arthritis, muscular neuralgia and rheumatism. In cases of cold, Silver Fir can warm and circulate. Silver fir oil is specific for the entire respiratory tract, including the sinuses, mucosal surfaces, bronchi, bronchial tubes, bronchioles and alveoli. It supports both oxygen intake and carbon dioxide excretion. In combination with oxygen, it exerts a powerful antiseptic effect upon pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract. Silver fir oil has long been used for the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, coughs, colds, flu, sinusitis and acute or chronic bronchitis.